Podcast Appearance: Waking Up the Education System to Pure Potential


We loved spending time with Piers Thurston, one of our Pure Potential guest explorers, as he invited us onto his wonderful  Quality of Mind podcast.

We have been listeners of the podcast for some time and it was an honour to dive into a really fascinating discussion with Piers on all things Pure Potential and education.

Our discussion covered:
• The evolution of a personal understanding that underpins professional development
• How to curate the learning experience as a exploration
• Making the soil fertile—not providing prescriptive solutions
• Understanding the mechanics of the human experience leading to practical solutions
• Is there really a learner to learn, the awesome power – when we get out of the way
• The intelligence of the system – The learning extravaganza
• The joy of being human and curiousity
• Hope and possibility in education reform

We felt a deep sense of hope and possibility for education and are on a mission to see what might be possible for the system.

Piers is a wonderful supporter of the Pure Potential journey and we are really delighted to introduce you to him through this podcast.

Happy listening!

Written by: MichelleMcCartan

Published on: 4 January 2024

Categories: Podcast